Thursday, March 20, 2008

Do You Know What That Stuff Does to Kids?!

Forget the war on drugs. It's time we faced The Frozen Menace.
It has been said that marijuana is a gateway drug because many who abuse harder drugs had first smoked pot. I'm sure that statistics would show that an even greater number of individuals had tasted ice cream long before using any drug, thus indicating that ice cream is also a gateway.
It would appear to me, however, that it is more often smoking marijuana that leads to eating ice cream.


JB said...

Honestly, I've always felt that the true gateway drugs are tobacco and alcohol. Those were the first ones I tried!

Adam said...

c'mon, even before ice cream? Marijuana does get a bad rap.A lot people would agree with you, myself included, although I don't use tobacco. Cool video though, isn't it? Maybe I can get a government grant to research my theory that many had began by ingesting breast milk or even oxygen before moving up to other substances.